Fall prices and discounts up to:
Bargain price offer ended.

Why do products and services cost so much?

Each design is created by artists in the flesh, not by applications, a job that takes time and scrupulous attention and meticulous so as to ensure an incredible result and make you happy just to see it!

Every product we print on is created and then individually printedWe don't have warehouses with all the products piled up and the prints ready, this process takes time and dedication to make sure that everything goes smoothly and that with a few clicks and without stress everything arrives at your home.

You have a dedicated team reachable via email, phone and WhatsApp ready to satisfy your every request, always if possible.

You will never be alone during all the processes necessary to create your design and subsequently print them on the products in the catalog, want you to be always satisfied And that every job is perfect, you just have to relax and wait.

You can also purchase our products and services in convenient monthly subscriptions at no additional cost.

Welcome to DZID.CH

We ask for 30 seconds of your time to fill out this small, completely anonymous survey in order to gather information to improve our site and service and provide you and others with better navigation.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to write us in chat, on WhatsApp or by email at info@dzid.ch. You can also use the contact form on the Contact page.

You can also find a lot of information on the F.A.Q. page.